Sunday Worship.

Regular services are convened at 11.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Everyone is warmly welcomed to both services, where the preaching is systematic teaching from the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. The Lord’s death is commemorated in the evening of the first Sunday of each month and in the morning of every other Sunday.


A meeting for prayer is convened each Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. The programme includes discussional Bible studies, short messages and visiting speakers, including mission workers.


Ballymoney Baptist Church convenes two regular meetings for children.

Who? Children aged between 4 and 11. 

Where? Church building - 60 Ballymena Road.

Sunday School.

Sunday morning from 10.15 a.m. to 11.15 a.m.

What? In classes arranged according to age, the children sing choruses, learn from the Bible, using the “Go Teach, Come Learn” series, which also involves practical pupil participation using the workbooks provided.  They also learn “memory verses” from the Bible.

Highlights include “Sunday School day” when parents are invited to see the children perform pieces they have prepared; prize-giving; participation in carol singing at Christmas; occasional visits to local nursing homes and a summer outing.

Friday Bible Investigators.

Every Friday evening from 6.30 p.m. to 7.45 p.m.

What? The children will meet together for singing, Bible story-telling, learning “memory verses” from the Bible, quizzes and games, led by several leaders.  

Highlights include end-of-session party, occasional outings and visiting speakers.

Young People.

The Church convenes three regular meetings for young people (from secondary school entry upwards).

Bible Class

Who? Young people aged 11 and upwards.

Where? At the church building at 60 Ballymena Road.

When? Every Sunday morning at 10.15 a.m. in the downstairs room at the back of the church.

What? Young people study God’s word together and discuss what it means and look at what the impact should be in our lives. (We also have a bit of breakfast)

Youth Fellowship

Who? Young people aged 11 and upwards.

Where? At the church building at 60 Ballymena Road, but also in other venues as arranged.

When? Sunday afternoon or evening or on Saturday evening as arranged.

What? Sessions tend to be fairly informal, and generally begin with food such as pizza followed by informal discussion of current topics and issues, sometimes hosting a visiting speaker. Highlights include end-of-session party, occasional outings and visiting speakers.

Youth Club

Who? Young people aged 11 and upwards, (from secondary school entry onwards).

Where? Usually at Dalriada School Sports Hall

When? Friday evening at 8.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. or elsewhere as arranged.

What? Sessions consist of a variety of games followed by a talk from a leader or visiting speaker. Highlights include visits (for example to see Belfast Giants), end-of-session party, and summer outings.


Who? All girls and women 11-111!

Where? At the church building at 60 Ballymena Road, but also in other venues as arranged.

When? Evening meetings are arranged to suit while the Bible study meets monthly on the first Wednesday.

What? The Women’s committee arranges a variety  of meetings and events  throughout the year including an outreach event, and participates in training and conferences from time to time, including those arranged by Baptist Women (An Irish Baptist Association organisation). In addition, there is a monthly Bible study. Highlights include an annual outreach, and the Irish Women’s Convention conference in Belfast.


Men events are arranged on an ad hoc basis and have included book discussion, walking and golf.

Older People.

Friday Fellowship

Who? Older people (of pension age and upwards).

How? Transport can be arranged by telephoning 028 2766 6632 or 028 7082 2562

Where? In the minor hall at the rear of the church.

When? Friday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Usually on the third Friday of each month.

What? Meetings consist of refreshments followed by a talk from pre-arranged visiting speakers. Highlights include the Christmas lunch in a local hotel and the summer outing.